March 20, 2019

[Book Review] Five Feet Apart - Rachael Lippincott

Judul: Five Feet Apart
Penulis: Rachael Lippincott
Genre: Teen, Young Adult
Halaman: 288 halaman
Penerbit: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers
Tahun: November, 2018
Harga: -
Rate: ★★★★☆

B l u r b :

Can you love someone you can never touch?

Stella Grant likes to be in control—even though her totally out of control lungs have sent her in and out of the hospital most of her life. At this point, what Stella needs to control most is keeping herself away from anyone or anything that might pass along an infection and jeopardize the possibility of a lung transplant. Six feet apart. No exceptions.

The only thing Will Newman wants to be in control of is getting out of this hospital. He couldn’t care less about his treatments, or a fancy new clinical drug trial. Soon, he’ll turn eighteen and then he’ll be able to unplug all these machines and actually go see the world, not just its hospitals.

Will’s exactly what Stella needs to stay away from. If he so much as breathes on Stella she could lose her spot on the transplant list. Either one of them could die. The only way to stay alive is to stay apart. But suddenly six feet doesn’t feel like safety. It feels like punishment.

What if they could steal back just a little bit of the space their broken lungs have stolen from them? Would five feet apart really be so dangerous if it stops their hearts from breaking too?

P. S. Maap blurb-nya copas dari GR dan nggak aku terjemahin.

K a r a k t e r :

Stella → Penderita CF yang dirawat di rumah sakit sejak usia enam tahun. Nggak sepenuhnya dirawat sih, dia masih sekolah juga kok. Selama di rawat dia nggak cuma diem aja, tapi bikin channel YouTube tentang CF. Terus dia juga bikin aplikasi hp untuk mempermudah penderita CF minum obat dan treatment tepat waktu.

Will → Cowok penderita CF juga. Bedanya, Will juga terinfeksi oleh B. cepacia yang membuatnya tereliminasi dari daftar penerima donor paru-paru. Berbeda dengan Stella yang optimis, Will ini malah nggak pengin dirawat di rumah sakit. Baginya, waktu yang tersisa itu harusnya dinikmati dengan hidup sesuai keinginannya, bukannya malah terkurung di rumah sakit. Cowok ini hobinya menggambar, terutama kartun.

Poe → Teman baik Stella, sesama penderita CF. Mereka ini temenan sejak mereka masih kecil, tepatnya waktu pertama kali Stella dirawat di rumah sakit. Meski cowok Poe ini pinter masak lho!

Mya & Camilla → Stella's BFF.

Hope & Jason → Will's BFF.


Another story like A Fault in Our Stars, Before I Die or A Walk to Remember?
Hm, at the start I guess this book will be same with the previous. Tapi setelah di baca, aku ngerasa enjoy dan begitu menikmatinya.

Buku ini menceritakan tentang penderita CF (Cystic Fibrosis) atau disebut juga kista fibrosis. Yaitu sebuah penyakit genetik yang menyebabkan lendir di dalam tubuh menjadi kental dan lengket. Karena kental dan lengket, lendir-lendir ini kemudian menyumbat berbagai saluran yang ada di dalam tubuh, terutama saluran pernapasan dan pencernaan. Nah, para penderita CF ini dilarang untuk berdekatan, karena dapat menularkan bakteri atau virus satu sama lain. Hal itulah yang membuat Stella dan Will tetap menjaga jarak. Will sendiri selain menderita CF, juga menderita B, cepacia. B. cepacia ini adalah bakteri yang menginfeksi tubuh seseorang yang sedang rentan.

Meski udah berusaha, tapi yang namanya hati memang susah dinasihati. Stella dan Will harusnya cukup berteman aja, eh malah saling jatuh cinta. Stella itu sebel lihat Will yang males minum obat dan skip skip treatment. Sementara Will yang dasarnya emang nggak suka diatur-atur akhirnya milih nurut aja daripada dicerewetin, hehe....

Mereka dekat. Mereka pacaran. Tapi tetap nggak boleh bersentuhan. Jarak aman mereka six feet alias enam langkah. Lah, kok bisa jadi five feet? Yes, they broke the rule.

Dari kacamata young adult, buku ini bikin aku ngerasain senang dan sedih dalam waktu bersamaan. Senang karena jatuh cinta, tapi sedih karena nggak bisa bersentuhan. Hiks, pengangan tangan pun nggak boleh. Bener-bener harus ada jarak.

Lalu dari kacamata lainnya, banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil. Jadi memahami apa yang orang sakit inginkan itu nggak gampang. Mereka punya ketakutan besar yang mengalahkan harapan mereka untuk hidup. Contohnya Will, mamanya ingin Will sembuh gimanapun caranya. Tapi yang Will pikirkan nggak gitu. Cepat atau lambat dia pasti bakalan mati, so daripada buang-buang waktu buat treatment, dll yang nggak penting, dia milih buat hidup sesuai keinginannya, pergi ke tempat-tempat yang dia ingin kunjungi selagi bisa. Sementara Stella yang dari awal optimis dan semangat, drop di akhir karena merasa orang-orang yang harusnya pergi setelah dia, malah pergi terlebih dulu.

Ada sisi mengharukan ketika mereka harus merelakan sebuah kehilangan. Teman yang beru saja tertawa dan bersenang-senang bersama, tiba-tiba paru-parunya nggak berfungsi dan.... yah, u know lah.

People come and go. Itu nggak bisa ditolak.
CF merenggut apa yang seharusnya dimiliki Stella dan Will. Di saat teman-temannya bisa pergi ke mana-mana dan leluasa jatuh cinta, mereka nggak bisa. Bayangin juga mereka yang harus hidup dengan alat-alat di badan mereka, G-tube dan portabel oksigen misalnya, terus badan penuh dengan luka bekas operasi. It's hard to carry. And, pretty much CFer are infertile.

Gaya bahasa yang dipakai ringan dan simpel meski buku ini tentang penyakit, nggak njlimet lah pokoknya. Sekali baca bisa langsung habis.

Tenang, nggak sad ending kok meski 'ewh'. Wkwk....
Hoping someday this book will be translated into Bahasa.

Btw jangan lupa nonton movie-nya juga ya.... Cole Sprouse as Will Newman loh!❤❤

Q u o t e s :

"My lungs are toast. So I'm going to enjoy the view while I can." [Will]
"Everyone in this world is breathing borrowed air." [Will]
"Wanting someone to live isn't same thing as wanting them." [Stella]
"I've been dying my whole life. Evehry birthday, we celebrated like it wa my last one." [Stella] 
"This disease is a fucking prison! I want to hug you." [Will]
Time. All this waiting is agony. [Will]
For me, it was easy to give up. It was easy to fight my treatments and focus on the time I do have. Stop working so damn hard for just a few seconds more. But Stella and Poe are making me want every second more than I get. [Will]
The distance between us will never go away or change. Six feet forever. [Will]
I know in that moment, even though it could not be more ridiculous, that if I die in there, I won't die without falling ini love. [Stella]
The only thing worse than not being able to be with her or be around her would be living in a world that she didn't exist in at all. Especially if it's my fault. [Will]
When you have CF, you don't know how much time you have left. But, honestly, you don't know much time the ones you love have left either. [Stella]
Every minute of my life is what-if, and it would be no different with Will. But I can already tell one thing. It'll be different without him. [Stella]
"You know what someone gets for loving me? They get to help me pay of all my care, and then they watch me die. How is that fair to anyone?" [Poe]
"Cystic fibrosis will steal no more from me. From now on, I am the thief." [Stella]
“When I was really little, I used to just stare at these fish, wondering what it would feel like to be able to hold my breath long enough to swim like they do.” [Stella]
“There’s one theory I like that says in order to understand death, we have to look at birth.” [Stella]
“But we all die alone, don’t we? The people we love can’t go with us.” [Will]
“God, you’re beautiful. And brave. It’s a crime I can’t touch you.” [Will]
It hurts, but the pain isn’t as sharp. [Stella]
I’ll die or they will, and this cycle of people dying and people grieving will just continue. [Stella]
If this year has taught me anything, it’s that grief can destroy a person. [Stella]
“It’s just life, Will. It’ll be over before we know it.” [Stella]
“You know I want to. But I can’t.” [Will]
“You make me want a life I can’t have.” [Will]
“Don’t think about what you’ve lost. Think of how much you have to gain. Live, Stella.” [Will]
“I guess it’s true what that book of yours says—the soul knows no time. These past few weeks will last forever for me. My only regret is that you never got to see your lights.” [Will]
“The only thing I want is to be with you. But I need for you to be safe. Safe from me.” [Will]
“I don’t want to leave you, but I love you too much to stay.” [Will]
“We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. I never understood the importance of touch, his touch . . . until I couldn’t have it.” [Stella] 
The pain reminds me that they were here, that I’m alive. [Stella]

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