December 21, 2019

[Book Review] Regretting You - Colleen Hoover

Judul: Regretting You
Penulis: Colleen Hoover
Genre: Romance
Rilis: 10 Desember, 2019
Tebal: 366 halaman
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: Montlake
ISBN: 9781542016421
Harga: -
Rate: ★★★★☆

B l u r b :

Morgan Grant and her sixteen—year—old daughter, Clara, would like nothing more than to be nothing alike.

Morgan is determined to prevent her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. By getting pregnant and married way too young, Morgan put her own dreams on hold. Clara doesn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps. Her predictable mother doesn't have a spontaneous bone in her body.

With warring personalities and conflicting goals, Morgan and Clara find it increasingly difficult to coexist. The only person who can bring peace to the household is Chris—Morgan's husband, Clara's father, and the family anchor. But that peace is shattered when Chris is involved in a tragic and questionable accident. The heartbreaking and long-lasting consequences will reach far beyond just Morgan and Clara.

While struggling to rebuild everthing that crashed around them, Morgan finds comfort in the last person she expect to, and Clara turns to the one boy she's been forbidden to see. With each passing day, new secrets, resentment, and misunderstandings make mother and daughter fall further apart. So far apart, it might be impossible for them to ever fall back together.


Bagi fans-nya CoHo, pasti selalu menanti-nantikan buku terbarunya, kan? Termasuk aku, hehe. Aku selalu excited banget setiap kali author favoritku ini koar-koar akan meluncurkan buku baru. And this is it....

Regretting You menceritakan mengenai 'drama' yang terjadi di sebuah keluarga, secara khususnya ibu dan anak, yaitu Morgan dan Clara. Morgan hamil Clara ketika dia masih berusia tujuh belas tahun. Morgan dan pacarnya, Chris, akhirnya menikah. Sampai anak mereka, Clara, berusia hampir tujuh belas tahun, hubungan Morgan dan Chris baik-baik saja. Semua berubah ketika sebuah kecelakaan terjadi. Kecelakaan itu menewaskan Chris dan Jenny, adik Morgan. Nah, pertanyaannya kok bisa Chris barengan sama Jenny? FYI, mereka itu bekerja di rumah sakit yang sama. Chris dokter dan Jenny suster. Are they have an affair? Yes! And is suck! Padahal Jenny sudah tunangan sama Jonah lho. Jonah ini sahabat baiknya Chris. Jonah dan Jenny juga pacaran waktu mereka masih remaja, cuma tiba-tiba aja Jonah pindah tempat tinggal.

Aku rasa cukup ya cuplikan ceritanya, kalau diterusin bisa jadi full spoiler doang isinya.

Seperti yang sudah-sudah, buku ini cukup menguras emosi dan rasa penasaran, ditambah geregetan setengah mati gara-gara adanya salah paham yang terjadi antara Clara dan ibunya. Diceritakan melalui dua sudut pandang bergantian, Morgan dan Clara, setiap kalimatnya nancep banget buat aku. Dari segi ceritanya sendiri cukup bikin aku nyesek, tapi nggak sampai nangis kayak kebanyakan buku sebelumnya kok. Emosiku berasa ditarik-ulur, naik-turun, diremas-dilempar, duh pokoknya kayak naik roller coaster. Aku bisa ikut merasakan betapa sakitnya Morgan saat tahu kalau suami dan adiknya ada affair, juga bisa merasakan terpukulnya Clara saat mengetahui kenyataan. Padahal Clara ini sangat mengidolakan ayahnya, juga menganggap Aunt Jenny sebagai teman baiknya.

And, if you guess there is something between Morgan and Jonah, you right. They have something, but not an affair. Just ... something unspoken. Meski akhirnya mereka bisa jujur terhadap perasaan masing-masing. Morgan, Jenny, Chris, dan Jonah ini kayak pasangan yang tertukar. Tapi keadaan pada saat itu membuat mereka tidak bisa berbuat banyak.

Buku ini nggak semenyakitkan IEWU, November 9, atau AYP. Tapi ngeselin dan bikin penasaran setengah mati. Dari awal sebetulnya ada beberapa clue, juga beberapa yang bikin aku curiga kalau Chris dan Jenny ada affair. Misalnya seperti kecocokan. Morgan dan Jonah setipe, mereka bisa saling memahami hanya dengan tatapan. Sedangkan Chris dan Jenny, mereka sama-sama 'liar'. Sayangnya sampai akhir aku nggak tahu cerita di balik affair-nya Chris dan Jenny. Padahal aku berharap ada side story mereka, penasaran aja kenapa dan sejak kapan mereka berselingkuh sampai tega mengkhianati Morgan. 

Ada beberapa hal yang dapat aku pelajari dari buku ini, salah satunya adalah kejujuran. Sekali kita tidak jujur pada diri sendiri, itu akan berbuntut panjang. Seperti Morgan yang dari remaja sebenarnya punya perasaan pada Jonah, namun karena pada saat itu dia adalah pacarnya Chris dan terlanjur mengandung anaknya Chris, dia memilih untuk ikut arus—menikah dan membangun rumah tangga dengan Chris. But that's not what she wanted. Begitu juga dengan yang lain. Coba aja dari awal mereka bisa jujur dan terbuka pada perasaan masing-masing, pastinya nggak bakal ada affair. Nggak ada juga yang tersakiti.

Q u o t e s :

Until lately, it seems I've gone my whole life without experiencing this feeling, but now I have, it's as if part of me disappears when the feeling disappears. [Morgan]
"Never ask a drunk person to babysit a drunk person!" [Chris] 
It almost feels similar to breaking up with a guy and then not knowing how to navigate a friendship with him after the breakup. [Clara]
Sometimes you have to walk away from the fight in order to win it.
I don't think she was trying to be mean, but predictable is not something I wanted to hear. Because it's everything I know I am and everything I feared I would grow up to be. [Morgan]
"It means people who make mistakes usually learn from them. That doesn't make them hypocrites. It makes them experienced." [Jonah]
"Heartbreak builds character." [Clara]
It's unfair how one event ... one second ... can shake the world around you. Toss everything on its head. Ruin every happy moment that led up to that earth shattering second.
Maybe I should write down some if my favorite memories of her before I start to forget. [Clara]
For some reason, sadness in music eases the sadness in my soul. It’s like the worse the heartache in a song is, the better I feel. Dramatic songs are like a drug, I imagine. Really bad for you, but they make you feel good. [Clara]
I thought time would make it better, but so far, time has just allowed my feelings to build and build. [Clara]
I need to stop interacting with him anyway, because as good as it feels when I’m around him, it’s starting to hurt when I’m not. And I don’t need another painful thing added to my already existing pile of excruciating feelings. [Clara]
“Write it all down. Everything you want to remember about him. You’ll be surprised how soon you start to forget everything.” [Clara]
The day I found out I was pregnant, I stopped living life for myself. [Morgan]
“Right after something tragic happens, you feel like you’ve fallen off a cliff. But after the tragedy starts to sink in, you realize you didn’t fall off a cliff. You’re on an eternal roller coaster that just reached the bottom. Now it’s gonna be up and down and upside down for a long, long time. Maybe even forever.” [Jonah]
I’m getting pretty good at lying to her. It’s easier than telling her the truth. [Clara]
Every time I feel like one of my many wounds might be starting to heal, something happens to rip it open again. [Morgan]
“I broke up with her because when I went to sleep at night, I wasn’t thinking about her. And when I woke up in the morning, I wasn’t thinking about her. But I didn’t break up with her just so I could date you. I would have broken up with her whether you and I ended up together or not.” [Miller]
"Life doesn’t play favorites." [Miller]
"You were never in my shoes. You didn’t have to stand on the sidelines and watch the girl you were in love with build a life with your best friend." [Jonah]
“Jealousy can make a person do some shitty things, Morgan.” [Jonah]
It’s hard to admit something out loud to someone else that you’ve only just admitted to yourself. [Morgan]
Because if love isn’t real, then sex is just sex, no matter if it’s your first time or your fiftieth time or your last time. [Clara]
"I just realize some people are good at being parents and some people aren’t. I don’t take it personally." [Miller]
“I’m not asking you to fall in love with me, Morgan. You already love me. I’m just asking you to give that a chance.” [Jonah]
“I don’t want you to feel terrible. I get it. You’ve been through a lot, Clara. I don’t want you to stress out even more because of me or us. I just want to be part of everything that makes your life better.” [Miller]
“Your father was a great father to you. But as a husband, he made some shitty choices. No one can be the perfect everything.” [Morgan]
"Attraction isn’t something that only happens once, with one person. It’s part of what drives humans." [Morgan]
“Relationships are hard for that very reason. Your body and your heart don’t stop finding the beauty and the attraction in other people simply because you’ve made a commitment to one person. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re drawn to someone else, it’s up to you to remove yourself from that situation before it becomes too hard to fight.” [Morgan]
"The truth is always the best choice." [Clara]
"But you’re the first and only person in this world I’ve ever loved without some reasoning or justification behind it. I just love you because I can’t help it, and it feels good to love you." [Morgan]
"I’m confident that I’ll never spend a single second of my life regretting you." [Morgan]

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